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PERSONAL COMPUTER LAB MANUAL . Formatting a text. B. I. U. The simplest way to change the way your text looks is to use Bold, Italics, Underline button on. To prepare a class timetable using Merge rows, Split row, Insert rows, columns and convert the table into text format. ALGORITHM: Step1: Open a blank document. DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING. COMPUTER PROGRAMMING LABORATORY. LAB MANUAL - 15CPL16. SEMESTER-I/II. 2016-2017. Prepared by: Reviewed by:.Computer Hardware. Assembling and troubleshooting, I/O, Storage, Printing devices. 2. B. Formatting hard disk, Installation of, Antivirus, Utility programs, Lab Manual of Computer Fundamentals LAB Manual Fundamentals of Computer Template: Click the File tab, and then click New, then Under Available Templates EC DEPARTMENT. BCIT (3300013) (SEM-1). 1. LAB. MANUAL. BASIC COMPUTER AND. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY button you want your text to be formatted into. Create a template and draw a basic block diagram of computer & using graphs compare the performance of different laptop/notebook PC. Experiments on Libre/Open
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